Dr. Salah Al-Majeed, highly experienced academic manager with successful accomplishments records of brand technology, product innovations and corporate communication. A proficient academic Professor with extensive international profile and high quality of delivering academic teaching and research. Prof Al-Majeed is the Academic Subject Leader (Head) of Engineering and Technology at School of Business and Technology, University of Gloucestershire. Prior to his current position, Dr Salah was Head of Systems Engineering School at the Military Technological College -MTC Oman (partner with University of Portsmouth, UK). In addition to his role as academic and manager, Salah has an extensive portfolio of Industrial, Academia and R&D works, leading the innovation of implementing technologies. Conduct research into issues and challenges in data exploration through Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Environment (including Smart City and Biomedical and Health informatics) from a multitude of perspectives, which is driving breakthroughs and innovation in a range of areas, such as Sensor, E-Health, Telemedicine and Mobile Telemedicine, Wireless Networks (4G and 5G) for different layers and applications. Where that can be seen through his role as a lead consultant at North Caspian Operating Company – NCOC – Kazakhstan for Sensabot project and collaborating closely with Huawei, Shell and Carnegie Mellon University – CMU, USA. In addition, his research projects were supported and funded by UK, EU and International organizations and companies. Prof Al-Majeed is an Editor-in-Chief of Computer Science Engineering: An International Journal, and Editorial Member, International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications. In addition to his recognition as a Senior Member of IEEE, he is a reviewer for many well-known journals including IEEE transections and an invited keynote speaker for many of international conferences and events. Recently, he was the Technical Activities Officer of IEEE Oman Section.
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