Successful Project Management

Successful Project Management1

Successful Project Management is designed to provide insight in developing, planning, and implementing projects of all types. The tools for scoping a project, planning and scheduling, and developing project costs are covered in a clear and logical fashion. This session also stresses the “people side” of project management including identifying and engaging stakeholders at the outset.

A simple case study is used to demonstrate the skills and techniques that can dramatically improve the quality of your project outcomes. Most importantly, there will be an opportunity to apply the ideas to the current project situations in which participants are involved.

Why you should Attend

It’s extremely difficult to get project results without a disciplined approach to planning, implementation, tracking, and evaluation.
Most project teams under-perform when they lack a common language and a common approach.

When projects are not properly scoped it will usually result in failing to meet the needs of the project sponsors and stakeholders.

When the costs of a completing a project are not detailed there is little chance of meeting the explicit or implicit budget targets.

The inability to develop and to manage a project schedule has serious consequences. Wasted time generally translates into wasted money.

Areas Covered in the Session

  • Understanding the project management process
  • Developing project goals and objectives
  • Identifying project stakeholders
  • Specifying project deliverables and outputs
  • Understanding the role of project managers
  • Using project management software

Who Will Benefit

  • Anyone who manages or works on projects
Event Details
LeRoy Thompson
LeRoy Thompson
Managing Director, Strategic Thought Leader
Thompson & Associates
LeRoy Thompson is Managing Director Of Thompson & Associates. He is a Certified Virtual Presenter with expertise in the development and delivery of training programs on more than twenty distinct topics.
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Successful Project Management4
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