Hai Jin received the Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China, in 1994. Between 1998 and 2000, he was with The University of Hong Kong. Between 1999 and 2000, he was a Visiting Scholar with the University of Southern California. He is currently a Cheung Kung Scholars’ Chair Professor of computer science and engineering with HUST. He has co-authored 15 books and authored over 700 research papers. His research interests include computer architecture, virtualization technology, cluster computing and cloud computing, peer-to-peer computing, network storage, and network security. He was a recipient of the German Academic Exchange Service Fellowship to visit the Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany, in 1996. He received the Excellent Youth Award from the National Science Foundation of China in 2001. He is the Chief Scientist of ChinaGrid, the largest grid computing project in China, the National 973 Basic Research Program Project of Virtualization Technology of Computing System, and Cloud Security.
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